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Digital Marketing refers to the promotion of products or services using digital channels. It includes a number of sub-categories such as Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Analytics, Marketing Skills, Mobile Marketing, and Search Engine Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a form of advertising where you can benefit by promoting the goods or services of other people.

Content marketing is a strategy for grabbing and holding an followership’s attention that include producing instructional material( similar as papers, vids, or social media updates).

transferring marketable emails to a group of people is known as Email Marketing.

Marketing analytics entails data analysis to determine how effectively marketing enterprise are performing and to enhance marketing tactics.

Marketing Skills refers to the range of capacities needed for effective digital marketing, including social media marketing, hunt machine optimization, and copywriting.

Mobile marketing is a kind of advertising created specifically for tablets and smartphones.

Using strategies like paid advertising or search engine optimization, hunt machine marketing promotes websites by adding their visibility in search engine results is called as Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

Educational activities are related to teaching, learning, and training, while the Make Money Online category encompasses ways of earning money through the internet, such as freelancing, online businesses, and affiliate marketing.

Music involves creating, performing, and listening to music, while Technology encompasses activities related to the development, use, and maintenance of technology.

Lastly, Web Development refers to the creation, deployment, and maintenance of websites and web applications.